

In printing communications it is customary for the CRIMSON to safeguard itself with a formal statement disclaiming responsibility. The sentence printed today seems so appropriate that the usual precaution is omitted. Regardless of opinion on the subject which the Liberal Club discussed, a formal declaration of its creed was pointless and ill-advised. Between the means of publicity which the club undoubtedly has at its disposal and the not unnatural tendency of the newspapers towards the sensational, it will not be surprising to see metropolitan headlines declaring that "Harvard Students Decide Against Limitation." A real decision cannot be reached at this time. The question has been dropped by common consent until all the facts have been made public.

The vote of the Liberal Club was 28 to 7,--a total of 35 in the role of determining the undergraduate attitude. The Liberal Club's private discussions of any subject are undoubtedly profitable to those who participate. But as the mouthpiece of undergraduate sentiment its opinions cannot hope to be considered representative.

The minority report showed intelligence and good taste: the resolution in view of the number voting, was "not particularly significant;" and the whole topic of limitation were better left alone "until we have before us the report of the select committee investigating the subject."
