

It may not be amiss to pause in the midst of all the chatter about bargain and sale books to mention some of the new titles just given to the world. First and foremost comes "Mirrors of Moscow", a cry from the wilderness by Louise Bryant. It will well repay the pleasure of reading and will give an adequate picture of the chief figures of Moscow, which city is at present, Russia itself.

Have you read Arthur Train's "His Children's Children"? Do so by all means. You will be thrilled by the author's insight into modern conditions and social distractions.

One of the greatest books of this or any other year is "The Second Empire". It will amaze you, gratify you, stimulate you and instruct you.

Who wrote "Damned"? We give it up, but we did read the book. You will enjoy speculating as to who had the nerve and the knowledge to write so interesting, so arresting, so amazing a book.

"Jurgen" is name to conjure with. Would you like a copy? Of all the whimsical, fantastic volumes you've ever read, this will win the Yale game.


Read "Being Respectable", by Grace Flandrau. You'll never regret it. This is the third time we've mentioned this book. The fact should at least pique your imagination.

There is an infinitude of new titles. Many aren't worth very much attention, but now and again a book rushes ahead of its fellows and compels attention by its very "speed". Such a book is "The Wagon Wheel". As a rule "western" stories are not popular here in the Square, but we venture to predict an all night session for whoever purchases this volume.

Visit COMMUNITY BOOK SHOP and look over the shelves. There aren't so many that you will be bewildered. Chairs are handily placed that you may sit and glance through whatever interests you.
