

All but Three Veterans Have Reported--Hill Improving as Pitcher--Freshmen Will Have Hard-Hitting Team

The University baseball squad is slowly rounding into shape as a result of the practices gradually increasing in severity through which Coach Slattery is putting his men. Sliding practice has been under way since Monday and fielding and batting work-outs have grown steadily more intensive. It now seems possible that the threatened weakness in the pitching staff will be overcome since K. N. Hill '24 and J. E. Toulmin '25 have both improved rapidly and now give promise of becoming a strong pair upon whom the University can rely. L. C. Larrabee '24 seems sure to fill the first catcher's position.

C. C. Buell '23, who will probably hold down third base, reported yesterday, so that at present with the exception of Captain George Owen Jr. '23, J. W. Hammond '25, and Lewis Gordon '24, all regulars are now working. With the close of the basketball season Gordon and A. W. Samborski '25, who should fill the place of second string catcher, will join the squad. It is not certain when Owen and Hammond will report. Two other members of last year's Freshman team who are showing up well are G. W. Burgess '25, a first-string centerfielder, and L. O. V. Mann '25, who should make a good substitute shortstop. As nearly as it is possible to predict so early in the season the first team will consist of: Pitchers, K. N. Hill and Toulmin; catchers, Larrabee and Samborski; first base, Owen; second base, Hammond; shortstop, Jenkins; third base, Buell and F. S. Hill; right field, Gordon; center field, burgess; left field, Clark and Thayer.

The Freshman team as far as can be judged at present promises to be a hard-hitting combination with a weak pitching staff. As among a group of none too promising candidates for the mound position O. S. Carter, a former Exeter man, appears to be the first choice with R. W. Puffer of Noble and Greenough as second best. M. A. Cheek, also an Exeter graduate, is at present the logical choice for first-string catcher. There is quantity of good material for first base and as yet no choice can be made. J. E. Knowlton from Middlesex will probably play second and H. I. Pratt from Groton will hold down third. J. C. McGlone, another Exeter man, has not reported yet as he is still detained by track, but he will probably become the team's first-string shortstop as soon as the track season ends. It is impossible at present to make any selection from among the candidates for the outfield.

Nothing further has been done with regard to the University of Waseda's invitation to play a series of baseball games at Tokio this summer. The date is still open and if by any chance Waseda can arrange to play in July instead of in May, there is still a possibility that the team will make the trip after the closing game of the season with Yale.
