Alexander Joseph Cook, of Edmonton, Alberta.
William Charles Cooper Jr., of Watertown.
James, Bower Crumbacher '18, of Independence, lowa.
Harold Bangs Cutter '21, of Cambridge.
Jupiter Petroff Doycheff, of Brockton.
Isador Aaron Ettlinger, of Cambridge.
Hermann Styles Ficke, of Dubuque, lowa.
Frank Arthur Hilton Jr., of Portland, Maine.
Clarence Paul Hotson, of Cambridge.
Raeburn Stanley Hunt, of Cornish Flat, N. H.
Nathaniel Cooper Kendrick, of Irondequoit, N. Y.
Harry Levy '21, of Maplewood.
Glenn Marcus Lewis, of Minneapolis, Minn.
Oscar Wood McCleary, of Baltimore, Md.
Carl Alonzo Mendum '18, of Roxbury.
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