

Will Send One to All Seniors During Coming Week--Continues Discussion Begun Last Year

President Lowell will speak primarily for Seniors on "Choosing a Career" at the Union next Friday night at 7.30 P. M., according to an announcement made last night by the newly formed Committee on The Choice of Vocations.

This Committee is continuing the work which was begun last year and which included a series of five lectures on careers, the last by President Lowell. Mr. Lowell's speech will be part of the general program of the Committee which includes a questionaire to be sent next week to all men graduating this year and a schedule of speakers after mid-years.

The Committee which met at a dinner in the Union last night includes the following members; Dean Greenough, Chairman; Delmar Leighton, Secretary; J. W. Hallowell, 01, the Reverend Palfrey Perkins '05 T. N. Perkins '91, Percy S. Straus '97, A. M. White '92, Professor J. M. Brower '15 Ph. D., Professor G. H. Parker '87, Professor A. M. Tozzer '00, J. W. D. Seymour '17, J. D. DuBois '24, B. M. Henry '24, Corliss Lamont '24 F. A. O. Schwarz '24, Dr. K. B. Murdock '16, Professor P. J. Sachs '00.

The headuarters of this Committee will be in University 3 where its Secretary, Mr. Delmar Leighton '19, will have his office.

The Committee is contemplating this year a considerably enlarged field of activity. It is including under its auspices both the regular series of speakers and the questionnaire on choice of careers, the latter of which was sent out last year by the Dean's Office. In addition the Committee is planning to arrange through its Secretary, Mr. Leighton, for meetings between graduates in responsible business or professional positions and undergraduates who have indicated by means of answers to the questionnaire their interest in the particular kind of activity on which they will be given an opportunity to confer.


The purpose of the Committee is to offer to undergraduates the best facilities for an intelligent choice of a career, and every effort will be made to achieve this purpose. Graduates and undergraduates have felt that in the past many men have failed to make a well-considered choice in determining their future career, and this feeling, which has long been held by the University authorities, has led to definite action.

The questionnaire which will be in the hands of all Seniors by the end of next week will be used for statistical purposes and to help the Committee in general work. But in addition it will have the more specific purpose of enabling the Committee to arrange for undergraduates, who are still undecided as to their future work, conferences with leaders in the lines of activity in which they are most interested.
