

$5000 Provided From Which Annual Award of $250 to be Given to Sons or Descendants of 1902

In commemoration of three classmates who died in the World War, the Class of 1902 of the University has given $5000 to found an annual scholarship of $250, available for deserving sons and descendants of members of the class, especially of those who died in the War. It is open to students in any department of the University, but "preference small be given to undergraduates".

The 1902 World War Memorial Scholarship is in memory of Andre Cheronnet-Champollian, the third Harvard man to fall in the War and a private in the French infantry, who volunteered for service in 1914 although an American citizen, of Major Edward Ball Cole, who commanded the 1st (later the 6th) Machine Gun Battalion of the 4th Marine Brigade and died of wounds received at Belleau Wood, and of Elbert Walker Shirk, a lieutenant, junior grade, in the Navy Flying Corps, who died in 1919.

It will be administered by the committee on general scholarships of which Dean LeBaron R. Briggs '75 is chairman.

In the event that it is not awarded in any year the income so saved will be accumulated to provide additional scholarships on the same terms. For the year 1923-24 the scholarship has not been awarded.

If the descendants of the class become extinct or if it becomes impracticable to carry out the original purposes for which the fund was given, it will be applied to the general purposes of the University, with the special stipulation by the Class of 1902, that in such case it be free from all conditions.
