


With the completion of the football and soccer seasons, several promising men have reported for the University squash squad. G. M. Laimbeer '26, a former St. Paul's School player, and P. R. Pease '26 were placed by Coach Harry Cowles on team C; and R. S. Wright '26, who has been playing soccer, was placed at No. 1 on team C. It is very probable however, that, as a result of several victories in test matches, Wright will play on team B against Newton tomorrow in place of J. M. Roots '25. This addition should considerably strengthen team B, which last Saturday lost a very close match to the Harvard Club.

Team A has one change in its line-up, that being at No. 5 where R. P. Rose '25 has replaced E. M. Upjohn '25. The latter will play No. 1 man against Newton for team B, and J. D. Dubois '24, who has displaced F. I. Carpenter '24, will play at No. 2 on team B. Team A will also play Newton, which lost all its matches to the Lincoln's Inn team last Saturday, tomorrow. While the University should win, Newton will undoubtedly put up stronger resistance on its own courts, even though Cooke, who played No. 1 for Newton last year, is not competing this season. To accustom team A to the Newton courts, which are slightly broader and faster than those at the University, Coach Cowles took the players out on Monday and Wednesday to practice at the Newton courts.

Freshmen Play at Home

The Freshman team is the only one which will play on its own courts tomorrow, meeting the Union Boat Club Team B. H. M. Rawlins '27, playing No. 1, is a former St. Paul's School Squash Captain and is the only really experienced man on the team. P. M. Lenhart playing No. 2 is regarded as another promising man, and Coach Cowles has been coaching him, as well as the other members of the squad, a great deal. Although the Freshmen were defeated 4 matches to 1 a week ago by Team B of the Harvard Club, they carried nearly every match to extra games; and with the experience gained from this match, should do well against the Union Boat Club tomorrow.
