

Nominations for All Other Offices Are Announced--List of Eligible Voters Will be Posted at Noon Today

William Nahum Gates of Elyria, Ohio.

For Orator

Charlton MacVeagh of Washington, D C.

Richard Stewart Bowers of Brookline.

For Poet


Merle Estes Colby of Taylorsville, Ill.

Oliver LaFarge of New York.

For Odist

Richard Dodge Gerould of Cambridge.

William Lindsay White of Emporia, Kansas.

For Chorister

Stanley Noel Brown of New York.

Robert Paul Bullard of Melrose.

Of the men listed above, a First, Second, and third Marshal will be chosen, while there will be one class officer elected for each of the other positions.

Any candidate for an office below that of Marshal may, with his consent, be nominated by petition for the office of Marshal. His name in that case will automatically be erased from the ballot for the office for which he was originally a candidate. Additional nominations may also be made for any of the above offices by petitions signed by at least 25 eligible voters of the class of 1924. Such petitions must be delivered to the Nominating Committee before 8 o'clock on the evening of Monday, December 10.

Will Post Voting List

At noon today, a provisional list of the men eligible to vote in the Senior elections will be posted in the following places: Phillips Brooks House, Sever Hall, Memorial Hall, the Union, and the Crimson Building. Men in the University who entered college with the class of 1924 whose names are not included on any of the posted lists of voters may petition the Nominating Committee for the right to vote in the coming elections. In no case will a man who voted in any previous Senior election be allowed to vote for 1924 officers.

The Nominating Committee will hold office hours in the President's office of the Crimson Building today from 1 to 2 o'clock, and from 7 to 8 o'clock in the evening; tomorrow from 12 to 1 o'clock; and on Monday, from 1 to 2 o'clock and from 7 to 8 o'clock. Petitions for corrections in the voting list will be received until 2 o'clock on Monday, and for additional nominations, until 8 o'clock Monday night.

A revised voting list will be posted on Tuesday afternoon, and only men whose names appear on that list will be eligible to vote for the officers named above in the elections on Wednesday from 9 to 7 o'clock in Sever Hall.
