

Candidates for Glee Club Called Out Three Months Earlier Than Usual

Although it is three months earlier than the usual time for calling out candidates for the Freshman Musical Clubs, trials for the 1927 Glee Club will be held tomorrow at 7 o'clock in Smith Halls Common Room and again on Monday, December 17. No previous choral experience is necessary for men who try out. Two accompanists will also be chosen.

The size of the club is not limited, but will depend entirely on the number of men who report and the quality of their voices. Last year 180 men reported for trials, of whom 110 were retained, though the number was reduced to 75 at the final cuts.

There will be no solo trials, but each man will be required to sing several scales. The accompanists will be asked to play one piece of their own choosing and one at sight.

In the past, trials have been held early in March or late in February, and rehearsals begun at that time. This year the first rehearsal will be held in the middle of next week, at which time the club will be organized under the direction of A. W. Wright '17. After the Christmas recess, rehearsals will be held once a week in preparation for the spring concert season, which will commence late in March.
