

Represented 145 Colleges and 32 States--University Led With Applicants From 8--Requirement Was Threefold

Swarthmore, Penn., December 9.--Four students at Harvard University have been elected Rhodes Scholers according to an announcement made here tonight by President Frank Aydelotte of Swarthmore College, American secretary for the Rhodes trustees, in giving out the results of the elections held in thirty-two states.

The four men are Robert L. Hyatt, Jr., '24 of Monticello, Arkansas; Felin I. Shaffner '25 of Phoenix, Arizona; Wilton D. Cole '24 of Webster City, Iowa; and Carter M. Braxton 1G, of Jacksonville, Florida. Braxton was elected as a candidate from the University of Virginia. These elections are subject to ratification by the Rhodes trustees.

The 32 scholarships were applied for by 357 candidates representing 145 American colleges and universities. Nine-teen institutions presented candidates in more than one state, Harvard led with undergraduate candidates in eight states, three of whom were elected.

Thirty-two Rhodes scholars are elected from the United States every year. The scholarships carry with them a stipend of 350 pounds a year and are to be held for three years. The selection is based upon the three-fold requirement of character and personality, scholastic ability, and physical vigor.
