Having delved into the dramatic literature of Russia, Ireland, Scandinavia, South America, and France, nothing is more natural than that the Dramatic Club should turn toward Italy. The somewhat austere interior of Brattle Hall will be transformed for a few hours this evening into a bit of old Venice, when Carlo Goldini's comedy "The Liar", is produced in its first American revival.
The continued policy of performing only those plays which have not hitherto been seen in this country has given the Harvard Dramatic Club a position of definite standing in the American theatrical world. If the plays selected up to date are open to the criticism of appealing more to an audience of a distinctly intellectual cast, they have at least most effectively preserved the club from falling into the banal outworn comedy type of organization so common in other universities.
Although Boston is known to "the Profession" as a poor "show town", rather more favorable to burlesques and f.b.m. offerings than to those of a more serious trend, the Dramatic Club seems thus far to have prevented Cambridge from acquiring a similar reputation.
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