"When more of these intellectuals, especially college men, become interested in the labor problem and understand the working classes' aims, the solution of this country's labor problem will be much nearer than it is at present," concluded Mr. Blanshard.
At the close of the address Mr. Blanshard was asked:
"Do you favor an independent labor party in the United States?"
Favors Labor Party in U. S.
Mr. Blanshard replied, "Yes, I do. I believe it is the only hope of obtaining a better social system in industry. I would like to see such a party originate preferably in the American Federation of Labor; but this, I feel, will not materialize. I can't see how either of the two present parties can sponsor a labor program. A labor party is the only solution."
The following question was then propounded: "Is it true that American labor conditions are better than English?" to which was given the answer: "I don't believe so. The hours of labor there are about the same as here, if anything a little less. An American laborer of course gets a higher wage as far as straight monetary value is concerned, but compared to the cost of living there and here the two groups are about equally well off."
"Do you believe that communism is the ideal system of society?" was the next question.
Mr. Blanshard said that he preferred not to answer this question.
Then he was asked, "To what extent would you nationalize private industry?"
"I would propose what the British Labor Union advocates: the nationalization of all the key industries and when this was accomplished, it would then be time to consider other industries", was the answer.
Here the questioning ended. Mr. Blanshard had been expected to speak on "Italian Labor and the Fascisti" but at the last monment preferred to speak on English and American labor. He has been abroad this summer, studying labor problems.