

Big Green Team Springs Surprise--Displays Powerful Offense and Pounces on Crimson's Errors

HOW THEY COMPARED IN THE FIRST HALF First Period.  Second Period. Dartmouth  Harvard  Dartmouth  Harvard Number of rushes  21  5  14  8 Ground gained by rushes (yards)  73  6  42  14 First downs  5  0  1  0 Number of punts  4  5  3  4 Average distance of punts (yards)  47  43  44  54 Forward passes attempted  2  0  3  2 Forward passes completed  1  0  0  0 Yards gained by forward passes  19  0  0  0 Yards lost on penalties  15  0  15  10

The Stadium, Soldiers Field, Oct. 27.--The teams lined up as follows: DARTMOUTH  HARVARD Bjorkman, l.e.  r.e., Hill Oberlander, l.t.  r.t., Dunker Diehl, l.g.  r.g., Grew Ellis, c.  c., Kernan Aschenbach, r.g.  l.g., Hubbard Hatch, r.t.  l.t., Eastman Hagenbuckle, r.e.  l.e., Crosby Dooley, q.b.  q.b., Lee Kelley, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Cheek Haws, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Hammond Leavitt, f.b.  f.b., Jenkins

First Period

The game started at 2.35. Hubbard won the toss and chose the south goal. Aschenbach kicked off for Dartmouth to Hammond who ran it back to the 22-yard line, where Hagenbuckle tackled him. Cheek started the Harvard attack with a four-yard drive through the line. Hammond punted to Dartmouth's 33-yard line.

Haws broke loose around left end for a ten-yard run. Then Kelley took it around right end for another gain. On the third play, Dunker nailed Dooley in a line buck. Then Dartmouth punted to Lee, who was dropped in his tracks by Oberlander.


Hammond retaliated with an offside kick to Dartmouth's 40-yard line. Haws was tackled at the goal line by Kernan. Then Haws, standing back as for a punt, was stopped in an attempted end run by Hubbard. Kelley punted to Lee. Henkins ran into Oberlander on an end run. Hammond kicked to Dooley. Leavitt gained two yards off tackle.

Kelley, taking a punt, ran around right end for eight yards. With but a half-yard to go for first down, Leavitt ran the ball off side for a first down. Haws then carried the ball through the line for three yards.

A cross buck was tried next and then Haws gained another first down around left end. Kelley, picking his hole carefully, ran through the line for three yards. He then broke loose and raced toward the Harvard goal until Dunker tackled him from behind. A similar play by Haws on the left side brought Dartmouth to the 20-yard line. Then a high pass from Dooley to Haws was successful and the latter raced across for a touchdown. Haws kicked the goal, squarely between the posts. Score; Dartmouth 7, Harvard 0.

Hammond kicked high to Bjorkman who broke loose and ran back ten yards. Kelley gained nothing on a right end run. Hubbard blocked Haws on the left. An offside penalty put Dartmouth back five yards. Haws smashed through the line for three yards. Kelley kicked to Lee, who signalled for a fair catch on the 20-yard line. Time out while Dartmouth forms a hollow square to enable a Dartmouth man to change his pants. Harvard Band plays to cover up the embarrassing silence.

Dartmouth's balanced attack with shifting backfield has Harvard completely bewildered. The attack shifted alternately from right to left with equal strength. Play is resumed. Jenkins failed to gain on an end run and Hammond punted. Eastman touched the ball down on the 45-yard line. Cheek tackled Haws and Hubbard nailed Kelley on the next play.

Dartmouth Tries Long Pass

Kelley on a fake kick sent a 40-yard pass that just slipped off Hagenbuckle's fingers. Kelley kicked to Jenkins. Cheek penetrated the Green line for a yard. Then Cheek took the ball around left end for three yards. Hammond kicked to Dooley and Hubbard nailed him. Kelley took it around right end for first down. Evans went in for Eastman. Leavitt ran the ball offside on Harvard's 45-yard line. Hubbard hooked Haws as he broke around right end and the quarter ended with the ball on Harvard's 48-yard line. Score: Dartmouth 7, Harvard 0.

Second Period

Kelley kicked a beautiful punt to Lee on the 15-yard line. Cheek stood back and carried the ball around right end to the 18-yard line. Oberlander broke through and smothered Jenkins behind the goal line. Hammond kicked to Dooley on Dartmouth's 42-yard line and the latter ran it back along the side line to the Harvard 35-yard line. Hubbard stopped Haws on a left end run. Hill knocked a pass out of Kelley's hands. Dooley tried another pass to Haws, who dropped it. On the fourth down with 11 yards to go Aschenbach stood back to kick with Bjorkman holding the ball. The kick fell short of the crossbars by several yards.

Lee passed right into the hands of Kelley, who was tackled by Cheek on the 24-yard line. Hall went in for Kelley. Time was taken out for Kernan, and Bradford was sent in at center for Harvard. Again Dartmouth broke loose, and Hall on his first play carried the ball to Harvard's 10-yard line. Hall gained three yards on the next play. Then the Harvard defense stiffened. Jenkins three Hall on the three-yard line, but on the fourth down Hall carried the ball across for another touchdown. Haws' kick was blocked by Dunker. Score: Dartmouth 13, Harvard 0.
