D. Members of the Varsity Club and Class of '79--not more than two each.
Graduates and Graduate School applicants for one seat. Former members of the University who were two years in residence to be included as graduates. In this group the allotment to be made by classes.
A. Graduates of the College or Engineering School and members of the Faculties of Arts and Sciences and of the Engineering School.
B. Members or graduates of the Graduate or Professional Schools and the Faculties of these Schools.
Undergraduate and graduate applicants for two seats for the Yale game, or more, if available, for other games. Two-year former members included as in Group II. The allotment in this group to be by classes.
A. Undergraduates of the College and members of the Engineering School who are not college graduates, and members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and of the Engineering School.
B. Graduates of the College or of the Engineering School.
C. For games other than the Yale game in the Stadium members or graduates of the Graduate or Professional Schools, including members of the Faculties of these Schools who are graduates of other colleges