Javelin-Throw.-Greenidge, Kernan, Leck.
Discus-Throw. - Brown, Carpenter, Miller, Marshall.
Hammer-Throw. - Andrew, Brown, Cogan, Marshall.
Shot-Put.-Brown, Clark, Saxton.
High-Jump.-Fitts, Gerould, Morse, Murray.
Broad-Jump.-Fitts, Page, Wansker.
Pole-Vault.-Davis, Gratwick, Reidy.
The Princeton entries are as follows:
100 and 220-Yard Dashes.-McKim.
Taylor, Lourie, Liebmar, Stevenson, Ford, Wheelwright Scarlett, Tinker, Ross, Kaighn.
440-Yard Dash.-Stevenson, Taylor, Johnson, Hitzrot, Lambert, Ford, Ross, McKim.
880-Yard Dash.-Johnson, Leh. Lambert, Jones, Morton, Conger, Gordon, Hitzrot, Stevenson, Trimble, Webster.
Mile Run.-Conger, Johnson, Morton, Jones, Sieker, Nicholson, Planter, Curtis, Swede, Gordon.
Two-Mile Run.-Swede, Curtis, Conger, McKnight, Berry, Willett, Leeming Lehnert, Reeve, Kennedy, Covington, Plauth