

Annual Report of Phillips Brooks House Committee Shows Students in Many Kinds of Activities--169 Assist at Boys' Clubs

The annual report of the secretary of the Social Service Committee of the Phillips Brooks House given out yesterday by R. P. Bullard '24, shows that 334 members of the University have served as social service workers during 1921-1922 as follows: Boys' Clubs  169 Entertainment  32 Boy Scouts (Cambridge)  5 Boy Scouts (Boston)  6 Churches  20 Juvenile Court  1 Readers and Speakers  10 Miscellaneous, including many workers in clubs, reading to blind men, Sunday Schools, and men engaged through the St. Paul's Society  120 Clothing Collectors  6 Welfare Committee and Helpers  8 Special  7 Total  384

Following is the list of the University workers in the various institutions, such as settlement houses, churches, educational clubs, Welfare Societies, Boy Scout organizations, and hospitals, in whose work the Committee has taken a part:

Welfare Committee and Helpers: Richard Chute '22, chairman; Myles P. Baker '22, Vinton Chapin '23, J. S. Clark '23, Corliss Lamont '24, Sheridan Logan '23, Haven Parker '22, J. R. Reynolds '23.

Avon House: W. M. Houghton '22.

Boston Civics Club: Howard Goodman 1G.B.--


Boys' Reading Clubs: F. B. Baird Jr. '25, W. L. Griffin '23, Mason Hammond '25, L. H. Rouillion '24, C. M. Wright '22.

Cambridge Neighborhood House: B. F. R. Bassett '25, A. C. Bickford '24, Loring Conant '25, J. P. Duncan '25, J. S. Giles '23, M. W. Greenough '25, A. B. Harlow '25, Allan Higgins '25, J. M. Maloney '23, J. J. S. Mangan '25, J. T. Pratt Jr. '25, George Turitz '23, Hugh Whitney '25.

Cambridge Social Union: P. H. Estes '22, H. K. Thayer '25, A. M. White '25.

Cambridge Y. M. C. A.: C. W. Phelps '22.

Cambridge Welfare Union: F. G. Wale '25, R. E. Wheeler '22.

Dennison House: J. C. H. Bonbright '25, S. N. Brown '24, G. D. Dorman '25, Robert Emerson '25, J. P. Ludlam '25, S. W. Livermore '24, Ranlett Miner '25, W. M. Newman '25, H. B. Noyes '24, Louis Salano '24, J. B. Squier '24.

Dorchester House: F. N. Crane '25, G. S. Mumford Jr. '21, J. H. Ricketson '25.

Ellis Memorial: E. W. Baldwin '23, W. J. Brockelbank 2L., F. R. Colvert '23, Arthur Flint '25, A. D. Hoffman '25, J. S. Sylvester '25.

Emmanuel House: Arthur Hamilton '25, C. J. Hubbard '24, J. H. Kerr '25, B. G. Norris '24, E. O. Otis '22.

Elizabeth Peabody House: T. D. Blake '25; G. H. Burgess '25, R. L. Daggett '23, G. J. Fertig '25, W. H. Gratwick '25, Ira Morris '25, E. A. Sawin '25.
