Cornelius Hawkins Hawes of Fall River.
Bertram Kimball Little of Salem.
Robert Worthington of Dedham.
Class Day Committee
(Seven to be elected)
Joseph Sill Clark Jr. Of Chestnut Hill, Pa.
Henry Wadsworth Clark of Ketchikan, Alaska.
Winthrop Hallowell Churchill of Milton.
Harry Ransom Davis of Pittsburgh.
Justin Hanley Dempsey of Boston.
Morris Duane of Philadelpiria, Pa.
Clifton Powell Fordvce of Hot Springs, Ark.
Henry Pratt Upham Harris of New York City.
Joseph Larocque Jr. of Bernardsville, N. J.
Henry Sturgis Morgan of New York City.
Herbert Lee Pratt Jr. of Glen Cove, L. I., N. Y.
Russell Robb Jr. of Concord.
Duncan Forbes Thayer of Lancaster.
Phillips Elder Wilson of East Gloucester.