The following is a list of the poll watchers and the time and place at which they are to serve. If, for any reason, any of the men listed cannot report for duty they must arrange to send a substitute:
To serve at '77 gate:
8.45-10.--H. N. Pratt, G. V. Baylies.
10-11.--F. T. Potter, Harrison Dibblee Jr.
11-12.--B. M. Rice, J. T. Baldwin.
12-1.--J. P. Monks, J. C. Buchanan.
1.15-2.--P. S. Sprague Jr., W. H. Corning.
2-3.--W. N. Gates, W. A. Coolidge.
3-4.--Darragh Louderback, A. B. Davis Jr.
4-5.--J. M. Newell, E. E. Schefer.
5-6.--W. R. Baylies, H. C. Lodge Jr.
To serve at Sever Hall:
8.45-10.--C. H. Hollister Jr., Grosvener Bemis.
10-11.--J. M. Begg, E. K. Merrill.
11-12.--M. H. Harris, L. F. Brigham.
12-1.--F. M. Seamans Jr., Nelson Cabot.
Rules for Balloting
In the balloting for the offices of President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer the preferential system of voting will be employed. Each elector must indicate his order of preference for all candidates for each office. A first choice counts one, a second two, and so on. The candidate receiving the lowest numerical total will be declared elected. Any ballot on which all the candidates for any office have not been voted upon shall be declared invalid for that office.
This system is not employed in the election of the student council member. The elector, in voting for a candidate for that office, should write down only his first choice.