Samuel Brown, of Fall River.
W. J. Casey, of Scranton, Pa.
J. A. Cohan, of Fall River.
G. G. Dolphin, of Scranton, Pa.
S. J. Feltensein, of Freeport, L. I.
Holden Furber, of Brookline.
E. C. Glover, of Boston.
H. G. Lowenstein, of Philadelphia, Pa.
P. E. Neaman, of Pittsburgh, Pa.
A. L. Sherin, of Salem.
C. J. Wennerblad, of Everett.
G. W. Woodworth, of Cazenovia, N. Y.
C. A. Gregory, of Lovington, Ill.
Out of Course
R. J. Kirkwood Jr., of South Boston.
The purpose of the Student Council and the Faculty in making the complete rank list public is to give some recognition to men in the third and fourth groups whose College work is above the average but whose extracurriculum activities may have kept them out of the first two groups as well as to draw public attention to the records of those who have just managed to escape demotion but who drag down the general level of college scholarship. It is felt that the result will be beneficial to the men concerned and to the College as well.
The Student Council suggested the numerical ranking of all men in each class, but this plan was not found to be feasible. The Faculty therefore adopted the present plan as carrying out the spirit of the recommendation coming from the undergraduates themselves.
The list as published contains an index which makes it possible to look up any upper-classman in College and find out in what group he stands on the basis of his work last year