The profound preparations which the War Department, the Department of Justice, and the American Legion are reported to be making for the recapture, by force or diplomacy, of the draft-evader Bergdoll, suggest going hunting for mosquitoes with a battery of field artillery. The magnitude of the force and insignificance of the game are quite comparable in the two cases. That it would be pleasant to see him behind bars again, is undeniable: but surely the usefulness of his punishment as a deterrent of similar desertions is long since past. Success would only satisfy a natural though some what primitive desire for revenge on one who has outwitted the government.
Furthermore it looks as if all the king's horses and all the king's men" will not be able to bring Bergdoll back again except of his own free will. In the first place was are still at war with Germany, and he will take care to be safely out of the way before the Knor resolution is passed. In addition, it is doubtful whether his offence is an extraditable one in any case. Lastly, the Baden government, in releasing his would-be kidnappers at our request, expressly "suggests" that the draft-dodger "under no circumstances" be molested. Inasmuch as we are under the burden of their courtesy in the matter, we can only observe the stipulation.
Thus the last hope of securing the return of Bergdoll by diplomatic means seems to be closed. The other alternative force has already been tried and has failed. All in all, it looks as if our American head-hunters will have to give up the idle chase and settle down to something more useful and important.
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