8.45.--Daily Chapel: The Reverend William Learoyd Sperry will conduct the services.
9-11.--Minister's hours in the study of Wadsworth House.
3.00.--Hon. W. C. Loring '72 speaks at Langdell Center on "The Practice of the Law."
3.30.--Wrestling: First round of tournament begins in Hemenway Gymnasium.
6.30.--Staplers Club: Dinner at Union. Mr. A. A. Northrop speaks on "South America as Seen by an Engineer."
7.00.--Thomas Mott Osborne will speak at the Phillips Brooks House on "What the Criminal Thinks."
7.00.--Meeting of Freshman crews in Smith Halls Common Room.
7.30.--Business School Club: Mr. James Welling will speak on "What Is a Public Accountant?" at Union
8.00.--Union: Mr. Oliver M. Sayler speaks on "The Russian Theatre in the Revolution."
8.00.--Professor Guy lectures in Emerson D.
8.00.--Harvard Mathematical Club: Lieutenant R. S. Hoar speaks on "The Earth Is Flat." Conant Hall Common Room.
8.00.--Knights of Columbus Club: Professor R. H. Ford '06 will speak in Quiet Room of Union.
8.00.--Menorah Society: Dean Roscoe Pound speaks on "The Jew and the Common Law" in Phillips Brooks House.
8.15.--Chamber Concert: Mr. Arthur Whiting's concert in John Paine Knowles Concert Hall.
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