

Jubilee Committee Set May 30 for Tentative Date for Freshman Festivity

President Lowell will be the chief speaker at the first Freshman Jubilee Mass Meeting in Smith Halls Common Room tonight at 7 o'clock. At the meeting the date of the Jubilee will be announced and arrangements discussed. Among the other speakers will be Dr. A. T. Davison Jr. '06, director of the University Glee Club, who is supervising the whole musical work, and W. A. Shattuck 3L., who is in direct charge of the singing of the Freshman Glee Club and of the three hall choruses.

The musical work will, as in former years, form the chief part of the Jubilee. The Glee Club will give several selections during the afternoon of Jubilee Day and at the same time the three hall choruses will sing football and prize songs in competition for a silver loving cup which will be awarded by President Lowell to the hall whose chorus is judged best by Dr. Davison.

After the singing supper will be served in Smith Hall for all whose who have not arranged private suppers. The annual Jubilee Dance will be held during the evening in Smith Halls Common Room.

At a meeting of the Freshman Jubilee Committee yesterday plans were discussed by the chairman, who indicated that the probable date of the Jubilee would be Monday, May 30. Emphasis was laid on the fact that the singing formed the chief part of the work and that attendance at the rehearsals of the various hall choruses was necessary to assure the possibility of the Jubilee.
