

Squad to Be Called Out March 28 and Will Practice Until the Fifteenth of April

Practice for next fall's University football team will begin on Monday, March 28, according to an announcement just made by the football management. Work will continue until Friday, April 15, and will be held five days a week.

Definite plans for the spring season will be announced a week earlier, March 21, at a meeting in the Varsity Club at 7.15 P. M. Coach R. T. Fisher '12, Captain R. K. Kane '22, and members of the active coaching staff and the advisory committee on football will speak. This meeting will mark the beginning of the 1921 season, and all men who intend to go out for the team are expected to attend, even if they are unable to report for spring practice.

Candidates for the Second Assistant Football Managership will be called out at a meeting of the H. A. A. on Monday, March 21, at 1 P. M. No previous experience is necessary and arrangements can be made to avoid conflicts with other spring activities. All men who are expecting to enter the fall competition must attend this meeting.
