

The Vacation Factor

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I wish to remark on your editorial in today's Crimson concerning Earmark vacations. Altho the opinion of an unclassified student may be quite negligible; nevertheless I do not hesitate to give it in this instance. I heartily concur with you in he belief that the matter of veracious is not as trivial a factor of Harvard antagonism as some individuals may think. And a great number of students with whom I have spoken have expressed a similar feeling about it.

To a young man, home from preschool on a long vacation, seeing older acquaintances come home from colleges on similar vacations, but Harvard acquaintances on very abbreviated ones, this circumstance could be the deluding element in a choice of college. For unless he has violent prejudice for Harvard he may have arrived at the point of neutrality in his estimate of several collages, and then it is the pounding of small factors, perhaps mostly unconsciously, that strengthen or weaken his regard for Harvard. Altho in the actual choosing of a college a student may weigh only the greater elements for or against a school, it often happens that previous to that process the smaller elements have built up an attitude of mind--predilection for a certain college--which the more weighty ones can't quite overbalance.

Few students will deny that the system of vacations here is absolutely undesirable. The this may be but an insignificant circumstance in the general antagonism towards Harvard, assemble enough insignificant objections to any institution and it is bound to suffer thereby. PROSPER D. WIRT UNC. March 9, 1921.
