


Debating authorities of the University of Washington have suggested, in dispatches received yesterday by the University Debating Council, the substitution of a triangular debate for the dual East and West debate at present scheduled for May 21. The former plans called for a dual debate to be held in Boston between the three best speakers from each University. The new plan advocated by the western university would provide, in addition to their trip here, that a college representative of this section of the country be secured to send a team to the Pacific coast. An additional three-man team from this university would debate that college at its home city.

Columbia and Colgate have already carried on negotiations with the University to furnish a team to debate the Crimson second on the same subject as that proposed for the East and West debate It is quite possible that Columbia will be glad to accept this new offer since plans for a trans-continental trip were made only a few weeks ago. The project was, however, abandoned at that time in view of the fact that only two of the western universities--Lower California and Notre Dame--had open dates on their schedules. It was decided finally to postpone the western trip until next year but the new conditions may bring about a change.

MacFadden Heads Committee.

Hamilton MacFadden '21 has accepted the appointment as chairman of the undergraduate committee which will promote interest in the debate within the University. This committee will be composed for the present of nine or ten men representing the College, the Law School, and the Graduate Business School, but will later be augmented by a large number of undergraduates who will act as canvassers in covering all the University dormitories. In addition, a graduate committee will be formed to be headed temporarily by Judge A. P. Stone '93 and Mr. Sidney Curtis '05. This committee will make the debate known among the alumni and will appoint a permanent graduate chairman and publicity manager in the near future.
