

"Barnum Was Right" Deals With Movies, Egypt, and Many Other Things.

The Hasty Pudding Club has announced that it will offer as its annual production a musical comedy, "Barnum Was Right," which is described as "syncopated scenario" in two acts and four scenes. The book and lyrics are by R. E. Sherwood '18, and the music by S. P. Sears '17, with several interpolated musical numbers by F. M. Trainer '19, J. B. Mahon, Jr., '20, and A. L. Steinert '22.

"Barnum Was Right," as originally written by Sherwood and Sears, was selected for production by the Hasty Pudding Club in 1917, but the declaration of war necessitated the temporary abandonment of the play. Sherwood, who was President of the Lampoon while in College, served at the front during the war with the Canadian Black Watch and was wounded and gassed in action. Sears was a lieutenant in the United States Navy winning the Distinguished Service Medal.

The story of "Barnum Was Right" centres about the activities of a motion picture company which goes to Egypt in search of local color meeting with a number of highly amusing and altogether unexpected adventures en route.

The first public performance of the play will be given some time in April, and the present plans call for a four which includes Cambridge, Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York.
