PRINCETON, N. J., November 4.--A veil of absolute secrecy was drawn about the long practice at Princeton yesterday as Coach Roper drilled his eleven in new plays which will be used against the Crimson tomorrow. The scrubs, employing Harvard plays, were unable to penetrate Team A's stone wall defense.
Coach Roper, highly pleased with the way his men performed, issued the following statement: "We are not overconfident, but I know that the team will give Harvard a good fight. It has improved this week considerably."
When the squad of 30 left for New York at 7 o'clock, the student body marched to the station and gave the players an enthusiastic send-off.
As the team left, the line-up which is scheduled to start tomorrow was announced: Captain Callahan, center; McManmon and Dickinson, guards; Keck and Hooper, tackles; Stinson and Legendre, ends; Lourie, quarterback; Garrity and Gilroy, halfbacks; Scheerer, fullback. The only probable shift is the substitution of Halsey for Hooper, who has not fully recovered from an injury sustained in the West Virginia game.
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