

Crimson Supplement Contains Pictures of All Football Men

As one of the principal features of the Princeton Game number of the CRIMSON, the largest pictorial supplement ever printed by the CRIMSON will be issued tomorrow. This section, which will be but a supplement to the regular CRIMSON, will have 36 pages, being printed in two sections with a "binder sheet." The largest previous pictorial supplement contained 24 pages.

Besides many special pictures and complete statistics of both the University and Princeton teams, the issue will have a number of pictures covering all phases of current college activities. Among these may be mentioned particularly those of the soccer and cross-country teams, of the Glee Club, which will sing at the concert Friday night, and various pictures of the work of the Harvard Reconstruction Unit in France.

The Princeton Game number of the CRIMSON will go on sale tomorrow morning, and will be on sale, as long as they last, directly before the game. The price is 15 cents a copy.
