A series of forums for men of the University has been arranged to be held under the auspices of the Phillips Brooks House Association at the Epworth Church on Tuesday evenings throughout April and May. At these meetings, prominent men connected with the University will speak on subjects of general interest. Among those who have been chosen to address the forums are President Emeritus Charles W. Eliot '53, Professor Clifford H. Moore '89, dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Kirsopp Lake, M.A., D.D., professor of Early Christian Literature, and B. J. Morris Ph.D., of the Harvard Bureau of Vocational Guidance.
The first meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, April 15, at 7.30 o'clock, when President Eliot will speak on "College Education in the Reconstruction Period." This address will be of especial interest as it will be followed by another forum on the same subject by Professor Moore, who will take up the purely theoretical and religious side of the question, whereas President Eliot will deal with the more practical aspect.
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