
Reserve Officers' Training Corps

Special Order No. 30:

1. The following appointments are effective as of this date:

Company B.--T. H. Gammack, First Sergeant; G. W. Emery, Supply Sergeant; G. W. Daly, Sergeant; T. S. Lamont, Sergeant; C. N. MacDonald, Corporal.

2. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly.

By order of the Commandant.   May 20, 1918.


Special Order No. 31:

1. The following appointments are effective as of this date:

Company L.--W. L. Byers, Sergean; G. P. Howard, Corporal; D. H. Linder, Corporal.

They will be obeyed and respected accordingly.


Blue R.O.T.C. Arm badges can be obtained from the Post Tailor, Mr. Boyee, 1888 Massachusetts Avenue, Harvard Square.   P. W. LONG,   Captain and Adjutant.
