Preparations for opening the University campaign for the Third Liberty Loan are now nearing completion and the drive will get under way promptly on Monday morning, April 8. Canvassing will continue throughout this week and the first week following the spring vacation. In order to facilitate a thorough canvass of the College, the committee charged with covering the Freshman class will be under the direct supervision of J. M. Mitchell '21, while the upperclass drive will be directed by G. C. Barclay '19. General management of the entire campaign is in the hands of R. McA. Lloyd '19, who will be assisted by R. Roelofs '18 in the capacity of publicity manager.
The University Liberty Loan Committee has expressed the hope that all members of the Faculty, men in the Graduate Schools, or men who live at home will, when buying Liberty Bonds, accredit their amounts to the sum collected by that committee. Last fall Yale was credited with a collection $200,000 larger than that taken up in the University, because they arranged to have all their faculty members and the men of their Graduate Schools add their subscriptions to the total sum raised by the undergraduates of Yale College.
Office hours will be held daily at the H. A. A. from 12 to 1 o'clock and at the CRIMSON Building from 6 to 9 o'clock, at which time men living at home, members of the Graduate Schools, and any other students who may not have been covered by the canvassers may subscribe to the bonds.
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