
Reserve Officers' Training Corps

March 18: Major Flynn, Muster Roll. March 20: Captain Cole, Methods of Issuing Supplies Other than Rations.


Sec. 1. Mon., Hydraulics and Drainage; Wed., Rope Splicing and Rigging. Sec. 2. Wed., Hydraulics and Drainage; Fri., Electricity. Sec. 3. Mon., Heavy Machinery and Rigging; Fri., Hydraulics and Drainage.


March 19: Captain Atwood, Nature of Soils, Sub-Soils, and the Problem of Ground Water. Geol. Lect. Room: 4-5 P. M. March 21: Professor W. M. Davis, The Natural Defenses of Paris. Geol. Lect. Room, 7.15 P. M.


Military Science and Tactics 2.

Company Administration:

Members of the Company Administration Course are directed to note that Major Flynn will give his lecture on Monday, March 18, at 7 P. M., instead of Wednesday, and are directed to bring Company Paper Work with them, together with their solution of the problem assigned for this lecture
