
Reserve Officers' Training Corps

Notice: Feb. 8, 1918.

Lecture Room for Military Science I and II.

In order to conserve fuel, it has been found necessary to close New Lecture Hall indefinitely. The Military Science lectures scheduled for the New Lecture Hall from 5 to 6 P. M. on Thursdays and from 7.15 to 8.15 P. M. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, will be given in Sanders Theatre.   P. W. LONG,   Captain and Adjutant.


Men taking drill only are not required to take the work in topography in Military Science 1. Their duties during the period of February are to perfect themselves in the Manual of Arms and continue setting up exercises in order to promote, study of physical development   P. W. LONG,   Captain and Adjutant.


Notice:   Feb. 8, 1918.

Sections meeting in Emerson D Monday at 9 and 11 o'clock, and Tuesday at 9 and 12 o'clock, will meet hereafter in University B.

Military Science I.

There has been a number of changes in Section Lists in Military Science 1 New lists which are now posted in Headquarters should be consulted before first meeting.

Section Lists for Topography are now posted, Men must consult them and go to correct room.

Military Science II.

Lists of Military Science 2 Administration, Engineering and Topography will be posted Saturday afternoon.   P. W. LONG,   Captain and Adjutant.

Dartmouth has 997 graduates and undergraduates in military service.
