The first opportunity for Freshmen, the last opportunity for Juniors and the second chance for Sophomores to make the CRIMSON Board will be provided by the annual spring competitions which begin next Monday evening at 7 o'clock. The candidates from the three classes will report at this time in the CRIMSON Building, where the required work will be outlined in detail.
All told, there will be five competitions, one open to members of the third year class for positions on the editorial staff, two in which Freshmen and Sophomores will compete separately for the news, and two that will lead to membership on the business board. Freshmen and Sophomores will also be eligible to compete in the business competition.
Inasmuch as aspirants for the news staff will be required to cover the various University activities and to obtain outside news of legitimate interest, the training received will be a valuable aid to any who contemplate journalistic careers. Success in the business competition will depend on the number of advertisements secured and the amount of office work done: while editorial candidates will be asked to write regularly on subjects concerned with the University, the war and problems of general interest.
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