

Many Colleges are Taking up Athletics Again and Have Short Schedules Already Arranged.

Technical Colleges in Difficulty.

Of all the colleges that have had to change and speed up their plan of work, probably the technical colleges have had greatest difficulties placed before them; they have to cover all of their ground just as thoroughly as before, and therefore they can cut from their curriculum only the non-essential work, of which there is very little.

Tech. Eight Months Ahead.

At the Massachusetts Institute, of Technology, which may be taken as a fair example of a higher technical collegt, almost all of the men have been studying during the past two summers, with the result that the class of 1918 was graduated last January, and the class of 1919 received their degrees ten days ago, and almost all of its members are already in the service. Thus, Technology has been able to place well grounded engineers at the disposal of the country eight months ahead of the regular time.

Eight Terms of 12 Weeks.


In this condensing process, Technology has established a curriculum of eight terms of twelve weeks, compressed within two years. Within these terms the fundamentals have been changed very little, but some of the finishing touches have, of necessity, been omitted.

President Maclaunin, of Technology, has been serving as chairman of the War Educational Committee, under whose supervision this war-time speeding up is being carried out
