ASTRONOMY 7. Astrophysics. Spectroscopy. Photometry and Photography as applied to Astronomy. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 11. Dr. STETSON.
Course 7 treats of modern methods of investigation into the physical nature of the heavenly bodies. The subjects are of interest not only to students of astronomy but to students of physics desiring some knowledge of the important contributions of physics to current conceptions of the sidereal universe. A knowledge of Descriptive Astronomy and of Elementary Physics is presupposed.
GEOGRAPHY 3 hf. Geography of South America. Half-course (first half-year). Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 11, with additional hours for conferences and reports. Associate Professor TOWER. (University of Chicago).
GEOGRAPHY 11 hf. Economic Geography. Half-course (first half-year). Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 9, with additional hours for conferences and reports. Associate Professor TOWER (University of Chicago).
GOVERNMENT 24. Comparative Administration,--France, Prussia, Italy, Belgium. Monday, Wednesday and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Friday, at 11. Professor Dupriez (University of Louvain).
The lectures will be in English. Ability to read ordinary French and German will be expected.
GOVERNMENT 27 hf. Executive Power in Central Europe.--Responsibility; relations to city government. Half-course (first half-year), Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 9. Professor DUPRIEZ (University of Louvain).
The lectures will be in English. Ability to read ordinary French will be expected. The course may be taken by students who have taken Government 26 in 1915-16, inasmuch as the ground of the course will be different.
ECONOMICS 35 hf. The Theory of Business Cycles. Half-course (first half-year). Tuesday, Thursday, at 2.30, a third hour to be announced. (Professor W. M. PERSONS (Colorado College).
EDUCATION 20j hf. Education in France and in Neighboring Countries. Half-course (second half-year). Wednesday, 3.30-5.30. Professor DUPRIEZ (University of Louvain).
The course will consider elementary and secondary education, professional education, and particularly university education in France, with references to education in neighboring countries. It will not limit itself to the study of the organization of schools and the methods and programs in use, but will attempt to show how organization, methods and programs in use, but will attempt to show how organization, methods, and programs are adapted to the social, political, and economic conditions of the countries of continental Europe.
PHILOSOPHY 5 hf. The Origins and Development of Hellenic Science. Half-course (second half-year). Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 10. Dr. GEORGE SARTON.
History of the formation and first efforts to systematize the mathematical and natural sciences in antiquity. Special attention is given to the study of the Babylonian and Egyptian, origins of Greek science. Lectures, reading and a thesis. Knowledge of Greek desirable but not essential.
PHILOSOPHY 8 hf. Advanced Logic: (1) Symbolic Logic; (2) The Relation of Symbolic to the Traditional and other Types of Logic. Half-course (second half-year). Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 9. Dr. SHEFFER.
PHILOSOPHY 20c. Seminary in Logic.--Subject for the year; Problems in Philosophical Technique. Tuesday, 7.30-9.30 P. M. Assistant Professor HENDERSON and Dr. SHEFFER.
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