

Celebrations, Parties and Festivities Are Scheduled for Today, Tomorrow and Thursday.

1872.--Dinner, Union Club, Boston. Before the dinner those who wish can attend the ball game and sit together; others can enjoy an automobile trip, meeting at the house of E. W. Hutchins, 166 Beacon street, at 12 M. June 22.--Headquarters, Thayer 3.

1873.--The amount appropriated for the usual dinner will be sent to the London Harvard Club for its relief work among the Allies. June 22.--Annual meeting, Holworthy 6.

1874. June 21.--6.30 P. M., Dinner, Room 21 (George Sanger Memorial Room) Harvard Club of Boston. June 22.--12.00 M., Class meeting, Holworthy 4.

1875. June 22.--Spread, Holworthy 17.

1876. June 20.--The class will be the guests of R. S. Bradley, at his house at Pride's Crossing, after an hour's sail down Boston Harbor. June 21.--Attend the Yale game; dinner at Tavern Club, Boston. June 22.--Luncheon, Hollis 19.


1877. June 22.--12.00, Class meeting at Holworthy 14.

1878.--June 21.--7.00, Dinner at 183 Marlborough street, Boston. June 22.--12.00, Business meeting, Stoughton 4.

1879. June 21.--7.00, Dinner, University Club, Boston. June 22.--Headquarters, Holworthy 18.

1880. 7.00, Informal dinner, Union Club, Boston.

1881. June 20.--The class will spend the day at the Hoosic-Whisick Club, Green and Elm streets, Ponkapoag, Canton. June 21.--Yale game; 7.30 P. M., Dinner, University Club, Boston. June 22.--12.00, Class meeting, Holworthy 21.

1882. June 22.--Headquarters, Holworthy 13.

1883. June 21.--7.30, Dinner, Hotel Vendome, Boston.

1884. June 21.--7.30, Dinner, Algonquin Club, Boston. June 22.--12.00, Meet at Holworthy 22.

1885. June 22.--Headquarters, Hollis 23.

1886. June 20.--9.30 A. M., Meet at Hotel Somerset, take automobiles to Pride's Crossing, where the class will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Graeme Haughton at luncheon. Return by automobiles in time for Class Day exercises in Stadium; 3.30 P. M., meet in Yard and march to Stadium. June 21.--Spend morning at Country Club in Brookline; 1.00-2.00 P. M., luncheon; go by automobiles to Harvard-Yale ball game; after game the wives of members will be entertained by Mrs. S. H. Fessenden at Chestnut Hill, going and returning by automobiles; 7.30 P. M., Class Dinner, Union Club, Boston. June 22.--Headquarters, Harvard 2; 9.15 A. M., procession to Stadium; 12.00-1.30 P. M., Buffet luncheon at pavilions between Appleton Chapel and Widener Library.
