Friday, May 19.
School Eights. Open to B. I. Rowing Association and School Boy Rowing Association eight-oared crews. The Yale Challenge Cup and medals will be awarded the winning crew.
Junior Single Sculls. Open to those not eligible for the Senior race. A cup will be awarded the winner.
Comp. Race. Open to those unable to qualify for the Novice Single Sculls. A cup will be awarded the winner.
Junior Eight-Oared Crews. Open event. A cup presented by Coach Herrick and medals will be awarded the winning crew.
Double Sculls. Open event: Cups will be awarded the winning crew.
Senior Eight-Oared Crews. Open event. The Union Boat Club Challenge Cup and medals will be awarded to the winning crew.
On Saturday, May 20, will be held the University-Yale single scull race, the University-Yale championship class crew race, the race between University A and Cornell, and the race between the University and Cornell freshmen. The regatta is under the direction of Dr. Paul Withington '10, chairman of the Graduate Regatta Committee, and P. S. Howe, Jr., '17, chairman of the Undergraduate Regatta Committee, and all entries to the above events must be in their hands on or before May 12