
Crimson Calendar

4.45.--Chemical Colloquium. "The Influence of Isomorphous Impurities on the Transition Temperatures of Hydrated Salts." Mr. Victor Yngve. Coolidge Memorial Laboratory.

5.00.--Cutter Lecture on Preventative Medicine and Hygiene." II. "The Finer Adjustments of the Immunity Reactions to Recovery from Infection." Dr. Simon Flexner, Director of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Amphitheatre of Building E of Medical School, Long wood avenue, Boston.

5.00.--Illustrated lecture on "City Planning Law of the United States." II. "Planning the Public Features." Mr. Frank Backus Williams. Robinson Hall.

8.00.--Last performance of Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson in "Hamlet." Sanders Theatre.

Thursday, April 27.


2.30.--Lecture (in French). "The Present State of the Problem of Evolution." XVII. "Geographical Segregation." Professor Caullery. Nash Lecture Room of University Museum.

3.30.--Romance Seminary. Meeting in Widener Y.

4.00.--Baseball vs. Colby. Soldiers Field.

4.30.--Southworth Lecture. "Bible Instruction in the Church; Its Progress in America during the last Half-Century." II. "The Period of Concord." Rev. Albert F. Dunning. Room A of Andover Seminary Building.

5.00.--Illustrated lecture on "City Planning Law of the United States." III. "Planning the Private Features." Mr. Frank Backus Williams. Robinson Hall.

8.00.--Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert. Sanders Theatre.

8.15.--Pianoforte Recital under auspices of Musical Review. Mr. Heinrich Gebhard. John Knowles Paine Concert Hall.

Friday, April 28.

2.00.--Preliminaries of Pennsylvania Relay Carnival. Philadelphia.

4.30.--Illustrated Lecture. "Italian Engraving: The Florentines." Mr. Fitz-Roy Carrington. Lecture Room of Fogg Art Museum.
