
Crimson Calendar

8.00.--Harvard Mathematical Club. "Surfaces of Negative Curvature," by Mr. H. C. M. Morse, Conant Common Room.

Thursday, March 30.

2.30.--Lecture on "General Conclusions from Morphology concerning Evolution," by Professor Caullery. Nash Lecture Room, University Museum.

4.45.--Vesper Service in Appleton Chapel. Musical program under the direction of Dr. A. T. Davison.--Address by the Rev. Albert Parker Fitch '00.

8.00.--Lee Wade II Prize Speaking in Sanders Theatre.


8.15.--Exposition of Chamber Music. Mr. Arthur Whiting and the Flonzaley Quartet of New York in Paine Concert Hall.

Friday, March 31.

Last day for receiving applications for Divinity School Fellowships and Scholarships.

Last day for re-engaging College Rooms for 1916-17.

Intercollegiate Gym. meet at Philadelphia.

4.30.--Lecture on "The Great Decorators," by Mr. Langdon Warner '03, in Fogg Lecture Room.

Last day for receiving manuscripts for the Bowdoin Prizes, the Menorah Society Prize, the Lloyd McKim Garrison Prize, the Francis Boott Prize, and the George Arthur Knight Prize.

Last day for receiving theses of candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in 1916 in the Divisions of Ancient Languages, of Modern Languages, and of History, Government, and Economics.

Last day for receiving names of candidates for Second Year Honors, and of competitors for the Boylston Prizes for Elocution.
