
Crimson Calendar

8.00--Physiological Colloquium. "Salt Antagonism in Gelatine and in Living Matter," by W. O. Fenn '14, Common Room, Conant Hall.

Friday, November 3.

Brown game ticket applications close.

4.55--Harvard Zoological Club. "Locomotion of Certain Bermuda Molluses," by J. M. D. Olmsted 2G; "Lobster Conservation in Canada," by A. B. Dawson 2G; Zoological Laboratory, Room 46.

7.30--Physical Conference. "Recent Theoretical and Experimental Investigations in Radio-Telegraphy," IV, by Professor Pierce, Crufts Laboratory.


8.00--Republican Club Parade.

Saturday, November 4.

11.00-Cross-country vs. Cornell at Ithaca.

3.00--University football vs. Virginia in Stadium.
