
Crimson Calendar

7.00.--St. Paul's Society. Regular weekly meeting in Phillips Brooks House.

7.30.--Interclass Debating Finals. Freshmen vs. Seniors in New Lecture Hall.

8.00.--Junior Class Smoker in the Living Room of the Union.

Thursday, January 13.

8.00.--Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert in Sanders Theatre.


Friday, January 14.

4.00-6.00.--University Tea in Phillips Brooks House.

Saturday, January 15.

Last day for receiving applications for admission to examinations for the degrees of Ph.D. and A.M., in 1916.

1.00.--Luncheon by the President and Fellows to the South American Delegates from the Second Pan-American Scientific Congress in the Union.

6.00.--1916 Book-Plate Competition close.

8.00.--Exhibition of Gymnastic team a Watertown High School.

8.00.--Musical Clubs Concert in the Auditorium, Springfield.

8.15.--Hockey vs. Princeton at the Aren
