Secretary for Employment: Mr. Gordon Ware, University 9, 9.30-12.30, 2-2.30.
Comptroller: Mr. F. W. Hunnewell, 2d, University 5. (Office hours, 9-1).
Bursar of the University: Mr. C. F. Mason, Lower Dane. (Office hours, 9-5).
Medical Adviser: Dr. M. H. Bailey, Thayer 21. (Office hours, 8.30-9.30 A. M., 5-6 P. M.
Medical Regent and Professor of Hygiene: Dr. R. I. Lee, Weld 4. (Office hours, daily 9-10, 2.30-4.30).
Inspector of Grounds and Buildings: Mr. W. S. Burke, Mass. Hall. (Office hours, 9-1, 2.30-5).
Memorial and Randall Hall Dining Associations: Mr. Frederick Wilkey, Manager, Memorial Hall