All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Friday before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."
Monday, November 8.
10.30.--Meeting of President and Fellows of Harvard College at 50 State street, Boston.
2.30.--Soccer vs. Columbia at New York.
3.30.--Scrub lacrosse game on Soldiers Field.
4.30.--Professor DeWulf's first lecture of the series on "L'Universite de Paris au XIII Siecle" in Emerson D.
7.30.--Seminary of Economics. "The Financing of the European War." Professor Sprague in Widener V.
7.30.--Organization meeting of Poetry Society in Advocate Sanctum of Union.
7.30.--Farmers' Club meets in Trophy Room of Union.
8.00.--Freshman debaters meet in Smith Halls Common Room.
Tuesday, November 9.
Phillips Brooks House clothing collection.
3.30.--Scrub lacrosse on Soldiers Field.
5.00.--Election of Freshman dormitory committees.
7.00.--Freshman candidates report in Lampoon Building.
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