3.30--Romance Seminar, first meeting, in Widener Y.
4.30--Lecture. "The Extension of Space beyond the Bounds of Experience," 11, by Dr. Norbert Wiener, in Emerson F.
4.30--Conference on Municipal Government. "Methods and Materials of Municipal Research," by Professor W. B. Munro, in Widener N.
7.30-9.30--Last chance for voters to register, in Brattle Square Fire Station.
8.00--Harvard mathematical Club, address by Professor Osgood, in Conant Hall Common Room.
8.45--The Divinity Club. "The Ministry," by the Rev. Elwood Worcester, Rector of Emmanuel Church, Boston. Andover Theological Seminary, Farrar Room.
Thursday, October 14
1917 and 1918; nominations for class officers due.
Friday, October 15
Last day for receiving applications for tickets for the Penn. State game.
2.30--Make-up examinations continue.
8.00--Physical Conference. "The Physics of Crystals," by Mr. J. B. Brinsmade, in the Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 3.
Saturday, October 16
Last day in the first half-year upon which undergraduates, special students, unclassified students, and out-of-course students in Harvard College may drop courses of study without liability for additional charge.
3.00--Football with University of Virginia in the Stadium.
3.00--1919 football with Worcester Academy at Worcester.
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Boston to Have Training Camp