7.00.--Meeting of St. Paul's Society, Phillips Brooks House.
8.00.--Harvard Mathematical Club. "Ridges and Valleys on a Surface," by Mr. Norman Miller, in the Common Room, Conant Hall.
Friday, October 29.
3.00.--Second team football with Boston College at Cambridge.
4.45.--Harvard Zoological Club. "A Comparison of Phototaxis in Animals from Different 'Communities,'" by Mr. J. M. D. Olmsted.--"The Spermatogenesis of Ascaris canis from the Spermatogonia to the Inter kinetic Period," by Mr. A. C. Walton. Zoological Laboratory, Room 46.
6.00.--Brown ticket applications close.
8.00.--Physical Conference. "The Physics of Crystals." III. Mr. J. B. Brinsmade, in the Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 3.
8.00.--Lowell Lecture. "Contraband," by Professor G. G. Wilson, at 491 Boyston street, Boston.
Saturday, October 30.
11.00.--Cross-Country with Cornell, at Belmont.
3.00.--University football with Penn State in Stadium.
3.00.--University soccer with Springfield Y. M. C. A., on Soldiers Field.
3.00.--1919 football with Dean Academy on Soldiers Field.