Friday, January 22.
4.00-6.00.--*University Tea. Phillips Brooks House.
4.55.--*Harvard Zoological Club. "Studies in Longevity of Insects." Mr. J. P. Baumberger. Zoological Laboratory, Room 46.
7.30.--**Divinity School and Andover Theological Seminary. Sermon by Mr. A. W. Stone. Divinity Chapel.
8.00.--*Philosophical Club. "The TenaiBuddhist Conception of Reality." Professor Anesaki. Emerson A.
8.00.--**Lectures on "Ethnology and the Classics." III. "The Classics and Barbaric Society: An Instance of Animal Kinship. On Sardonic Laughter." Mr. Oric Bates, Lecture Room of the Fogg Art Museum.
8.00.-- 1918 swimming team vs. Boston College High School at Cambridge Y. M. C. A.
Saturday, January 23. 10.00.--**Eastern Massachusetts Section of the Classical Association of New England. Eighth annual meeting. Harvard 1.
4.00.--1918 hockey team vs. St. Marks at Southboro.
8.00.--Gymnastic team at Watertown High School.
8.00.--Coast Artillery Meet in Boston.
8.15.--University hockey team vs. Princeton. Boston Arena.