

Almost that Amount Spent in Building Operations During Year, Marking Phenomenal Expansion.

The new Music-Building is practically completed and will be ready for occupation in the fall. The ground floor contains several recitation rooms, while on the second floor is a large auditorium with a seating capacity of 578. It will also contain a library of books dealing with music.

Although the concrete frame-work, floors, and roof are all that can be seen of the new High Tension Laboratory, it is expected that the building will be completed in the fall. The walls will be of brick, and accordingly the finished building will resemble Pierce Hall externally. It is planned to install in the completed structures powerful dynamos and batteries for generating the current to be used in experimentation.

With the completion of the Peabody Museum of Ethnology, the plans made by Professor Louis Agassiz for the University Museum forty years ago have been carried out. The addition was built at a cost of about $100,000, and a portion of it is already in use.

Work has been continued on the rebuilding of the Gray Herbarium in fire-proof materials. Much of the central part of the building has already been remodeled, and the contract for the remaining work has recently been let. In the near future the whole structure will be fire-proof according to the most modern standards.

Alterations in the Fogg Museum were made during the fall and winter, and the building was re-opened on February 4. The roof was raised a considerable distance, increasing the exhibition space and greatly improving the light and ventilation of the second floor. Space which had formerly been wasted has been utilized as workrooms, store-rooms, and quarters for the staff. The main gallery is now better lighted and the capacity of the photograph room is enlarged.


Plans have been made for an adequately equipped building for the development of the drama at Harvard. They call for one of the best buildings of the kind either here or abroad. It is to be the center of the dramatic activities of the college. Such a theatre is indispensable to the "47 Workshop," which has outgrown its present facilities. It is also planned to provide lecture rooms for the dramatic courses of the University in the building. As yet, however, no donor has come forward.

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