
Crimson Calendar

Open to University. **Open to Public.

9.00.--Senior Smoker. Stoughton to Thayer.

Wednesday, March 25.

4.30.--**Hyde Lectures on Foreign Missions. Mr. John R. Mott on "The Present World Situation and Its Summons. I. The Unique Elements in the Present World Situation." Sanders Theatre.

4.30.--**Lecture. "Some Drawings and Works by Leonardo da Vinci." Dr. Oswald Siren, of Stockholm.

4.45.--*Chemical Colloquium. Mr. R. H. Patch on "The Splitting of Oxyl Carbinols," in T. Jefferson Coolidge Laboratory.


5.00.--Cutter Lecture. Dr. C. L. Wilbur in Amphitheatre of Building A, Harvard Medical School. Topic: "Vital Statistics in Massachusetts and the United States."

7.00.--1916 Dinner and Play in Living Room of Union.

7.00.--Meeting of St. Paul's Society. The Rev. Harvey Officer '95 on "The Holy Catholic Church."

8.00.--Pi Eta Play, "A Bug in a Rug" in Jordan Hall, Boston.

Thursday, March 26.

4.30.--**Hyde Lectures on Foreign Missions. Mr. John R. Mott on "The Present World Situation and Its Summons. II. The Field for Statesmanship in Christian Missions" Sanders Theatre.

5.00.--Cutter Lecture. Dr. C. L. Wilbur. Building A, Harvard Medical School. Topic "Vital Statistics in Massachusetts and the United States."

8.00.--**Lowell Lecture. Bertrand Russell on "The World of Physics and the World of Science."

8.00.--Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert. Soloist. Fritz Kreisler. Sanders Theatre.

8.00.--Pi Eta Play. "A Bug in a Rug." Pi Eta Theatre, Cambridge.
