4.45.--*Chemical Colloquium on "Some New Technical Uses of Silicates" by Mr. H. W. Richter in Coolidge Memorial Laboratory.
7.00.--Meeting of St. Paul's Society in Phillips Brooks House.
7.00.--Professor Platner on "What is the New Testament" in Phillips Brooks House.
8.00.--Harvard Mathematical Club. "Roots of Algebraic Equations" by Mr. W. E. Milne in Conant Common Room.
Thursday, November 5.
4.00.--**Lecture (in French) "Nietzsche" by Professor Lichtenberger in Sever 11.
7.00.--Lecture on medical profession in Phillips Brooks House.
8.00.--Lowell Institute Lecture on "Greek Religious Thought from Homer to the Triumph of Christianity" by Professor Clifford H. Moore in Huntington Hall, 491 Boylston street, Boston.
8.15.--*Exposition of Chamber Music by Mr. Arthur Whiting, assisted by Miss Loraine Wyman, Mr. George Barrere, Mr. R. J. Toedt, and Mr. W. Durieux in the John Knowles Paine Concert Hall of Music Building.
Friday, November 6.
3.00.--Second Football team vs. Dean Academy on Soldiers Field.
4.45.--*Harvard Zoological Club. "Mendelian Expectation, with Especial Reference to Human Heredity" by Mr. S. G. Wright in Zoological Laboratory 46.
5.00.--Lowell Institute Lecture on "Christianity and Politics," by William Cunningham, D.D., F.B.A., in Huntington Hall, 491 Boylston street, Boston.
6.00.--Applications for Yale football game close.
8.00.--*Harvard Engineering Society. "English and German Sanitation Plants" (illustrated) by Mr. Theodore R. Kendall in Pierce 110.
Saturday, November 7.
10.30.--University and 1918 cross-country versus Yale at Belmont.
2.45.--Football with Princeton in the Stadium.
3.00.--1918 Football with Andover on Soldiers Field.